
Showing posts from September, 2014

Work Folders, Folder Redirection, Symbolic Links, Oh My!

Roaming profiles are torture for admins, but users want their files and settings, and old habits die hard as they say. This is my dilemma. Roaming profiles have created legions of users who can't do basic configuration of many desktop applications, as they only had to tough it out once four years ago. Don't even get me started on the large mass of files and yo-yo copy pattern. Enter folder redirection, sure as long as you have good connectivity. A small branch of 10 users with a 10Mbps circuit and 10ms latency is enough to cause user revolt. Okay then, how bout we add in offline files? Get ready to cry  and  don't just take my word.... Along comes Work Folders , which i must say is something that can deal with many scenarios. Sure it is a blatant copy of Dropbox et al., but that is a good thing! Now back to dealing with my dilemma. How can I give a roaming profile like experience with good performance, while maintaining most if not all application configurations. ...